
Welcome to my blog, where I will journal about my adventures in life and think about what it is to live.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Dear Mental Illness

I found this cool website today where people submit letters to their mental illnesses I thought it was really interesting. http://www.dearmentalillness.com/

I really related to one note on there that I thought I'd share here.

Dear Depression
You’ve been a part of my life for so long you’re almost like a friend. But friend I have to say I hate you. I hate everything that you’ve ever done to me. I hate the way you have dragged me into such deep and dark places without thinking or caring about my life. I hate that you have such a control over me, a control that I may never hope to win back. I hate what you have done to my friends and family, none of whom deserve such pain. I hate that at any moment you can creep up on me and snatch my life away. I hate the relationships you’ve ruined completely without a second thought. Most of all I hate you for being such a massive part of my life, you’re always there, you’re always on the sidelines waiting to pounce. I hate you so deeply. If I could kill you I would, but that of course is exactly what you want me to do because then you would have won. I will fight and fight to never let you get the better of me. 

I don't relate to exactly all of the sentiments there, (I can't ever see me calling my depression my friend) but the general expression of hating depression, but continuing to fight, was something I related to and enjoyed reading.

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